Comfort Room


2 people - 18 sqm

The Comfort rooms can be double or with 2 single beds, are available on the ground floor and have a surface area which can vary from 17 to 20 sqm. A 3rd bed is available on request (subject to availability). Cot on request for a fee.

Muladhara: Colour: red – Frequency: 396 Hz – Fragrance: sandalwood.
Muladhara is the chakra which represents the support of the entire body (of the root or base).
Element: Earth, physical and emotional stability
Disability accessible room.

Svadhishthana: Colour: orange – Frequency: 417 Hz – Fragrance: orange.
Svadhishthana is the chakra which represents the centre of emotional energy, is associated with pleasure and keeps emotions and desires in balance (Sacral Chakra).
Element: Water, creativity, free expression.

Manipura: Colour: yellow – Frequency: 126.22 Hz – Fragrance: mint.
Manipura is the chakra which is the seat of strength and will in pursuing one's choices, it governs our acceptance of ourselves and our relationship with others (Solar Plexus Chakra).
Element: Fire, awareness of life, will and pleasure.

Anahata: Colour: green – Frequency: 432 Hz – Fragrance: rose.
The Anahata energy centre is located near the heart and is connected to the purest and most selfless feelings such as altruism, compassion, humility and forgiveness (Heart Chakra).
Element: Air, unconditional love, compassion, generosity.

The assignment of rooms is at the discretion of the management.

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